Poetry from the mind of Destiny

Don't Miss Me

Don't Miss Me
If Only I Had Given Her a Smile
Have Issues
Love Me, Rejected
You Have Been Denied
What It Is
Life Without You
In the Shadows
In the Morning
Stuck Between Reality & Dream
As I Lay Me Down-Dead
Waiting on a Jerk
Your Smile

When you wake up today
And find me gone
Don't bother to miss me,
I was missing all alone,
Thrown to the back of your mind
Now I'm gone-
Never to be found again
Why should you miss me now?
You never really cared
As I sat there hurting.
You didn't hear me scream
When my tears poured into the cuts
You didn't see me hurting,
Never saw me at all.
Now I'm gone from my never existence,
Why should you miss me now?
Why must it take me covered in my own blood
For you to notice me?
Never miss me, never again
Because by the time you wake today,
You'll find me gone
And never found again...........

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