Poetry from the mind of Destiny

You Have Been Denied
Don't Miss Me
If Only I Had Given Her a Smile
Have Issues
Love Me, Rejected
You Have Been Denied
What It Is
Life Without You
In the Shadows
In the Morning
Stuck Between Reality & Dream
As I Lay Me Down-Dead
Waiting on a Jerk
Your Smile

I am sorry to inform you on such and abrupt notice,
But you see, in my life, I've found there,
More than enough room for friends,
But it seems there's none for pricks or jerks there
Teh previous ones have wrecked the place
And left there, no more space
Or tolerance for people of the sort
So today I give you your quick notice
You're mmore than welocmes to stay though,
As a friend, if you can pay
But as for the approval for pricks and jerks to stay
It has been denied
Failure to evacuate my life emediately
Will extend my foot to kick your ass out
For you have been deied

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