Poetry from the mind of Destiny

If Only I Had Given Her a Smile
Don't Miss Me
If Only I Had Given Her a Smile
Have Issues
Love Me, Rejected
You Have Been Denied
What It Is
Life Without You
In the Shadows
In the Morning
Stuck Between Reality & Dream
As I Lay Me Down-Dead
Waiting on a Jerk
Your Smile
Tears roll down my cheeks,
My heart heavy with guilt
Never did it cross my mind
To think of her and be her only friend
If only I had given her a smile....
And as for him...
That should've been me
Lying in the pool of blood
If only I had given her a smile....
I count them--
         One, six, thirteen, more?
What have I done?
THe gun might as well have been in my hands,
Pulling teh trigger, trying to find a way out
If only I had given her a smile....
Sitting at my desk, watching kids die
Hearing the guns go off
My heart sinks with pain
I didn't want to be here, no one did
We all saw our lives flash before our eyes,
Some of us unable to change
Whatever they saw
If only I had given her a smile....
Everyone says it's not my fault
I wasn't holding the gun
But they just don't understand
That I once was that girl
But someone gave me a smile
And thanks to them,
I know of life and happiness
But now she'll never know
If only I had given her a smile.....

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