Poetry from the mind of Destiny

Stuck Between Reality & Dream
Don't Miss Me
If Only I Had Given Her a Smile
Have Issues
Love Me, Rejected
You Have Been Denied
What It Is
Life Without You
In the Shadows
In the Morning
Stuck Between Reality & Dream
As I Lay Me Down-Dead
Waiting on a Jerk
Your Smile

It should seem
If feelings were so true.
I'd stop thinking of you
But I suppose I'm waiting on a dreamer like  myself
Finding yourself in a fairytale or two
And when reality awakens you once more
You think you've just dreamt it all true
So you try to hide away in those dreams,
To make them your reality
Though, you don't seem to realize the fairytale your putting me through
You see, in order to keep my feelings a reality,
I have to keep dreaming to your reality,
THen my reality becomes a dream of you

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